
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

21 Day Challenge - Pantry part 1

I thought of something today.  When I have friends over or family, I usually close my cupboards and closets and secretly pray that they don't open them.  Or, that the door just doesn't fly open from all the pressure of the stuff shoved in behind it.  Now, not only am taking pictures and documenting life's huge little messes, I am hoping that someone comments on them.  Anyway, just a little chicken scratch....

Please don't judge.  My pantry has just gotten out of control this summer.  I have four kids home, my oldest son is 20, daughter 18, son 13, and youngest daughter is 12.  They are eating me out of house and home, and are they MESSY. 

My pantry is pretty large.  So, I put larger appliances, platters, and a few dishes in there too.  I really don't know where else to put them.  Where do you keep your bread machine, Foreman Grill, etc.

Here they are, where do I put them??  : (

I put this little bench in there as a helper shelf.  I guess I should paint it white.  What do your think?  Anyway, it gives me a little extra place for appliances.  I may invest in some drawers or something. 

Anyway, I took everything off the floor and bottom shelf  (including the helper shelf).  I took the old shelf paper off and cleaned it good with soap and water.  I gave the floor a good mopping too. 

I just love this green shelf paper.  I found it first at the dollar store and then at Target.  It is just cheery and I know it is new and clean.

I have had these bins for a long time and keep my pasta and potatoes in them.  They stack nicely in the corner on the floor.  I would love to replace them but, money is tight, so I have to shop in my home for organizers.  I am making a list of things (it is getting longer and longer every minute) I would like to use in the different spaces around my home.

This big container is full of play dough and cookie cutters for the kids.  They love to bake.  I also have quite a supply of rollers.  During the school year, we make a lot of cookies, pizza, and crafts.  It is nice for all the kids to have their own roller.


Nothing is safe from my contact paper.  This used to be a daycare bin.  Each child had one for their extra set of clothes, diapers, etc.  I now have a cute organizer.  I think I will use it for my cereal.  We always have a lot of cereal.

I take them out of the box and clip them closed with my cool Dollar Store clothes pins.  These rock.  I also use them out side to keep my table cloth on my patio table.  Works great.

I have decided to only do a couple of shelves a day until it is done.  I get a little overwhelmed, and I still have to make lunches and dinner for the family.  Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Comments make my day, thanks.