
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

21 Day Challenge - Side Table

Happy Tuesday everybody.  I hope you had a great weekend.  I am back and getting ready to jam in my laundry room.  I only have a week left to get caught up and, of course, I am in the starting gate late.  I did organize my little side table in my living room.  That is where I sit in the moring with my coffee and Bible.  I can't get going unless I have a cup of coffee (or two, or three) and time with God.  This is where I do it.   

The little chair on the floor is my 'Time Out" chair.  It has no legs (ha ha)

The draws are a catch all.  Oh, there is my little hammer.

I cleaned them all out and put pens, highlighters, thank you notes, and cards in the top drawer.  When praying for someone, it is easy to drop them a line when they are fresh on your mind.

I put all my power cords in here (camera, camcorder, Ipod, etc...)

I also have a drawer for my portable TV and Walkman. 

I got this for only $5.00 at Hobby Lobby yesterday.  I think it is so pretty.  That is another thing on my (growing) to do list.  Make new pillows.

All organized and ready for me in the morning.

I found this little basket at Savers (it sits right on top of my table).  I think it was only .50.  I put my Bible, devotion book, and clippers.  I can never find clippers when I need them.  On the bottom, is my notebook for prayer requests.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Comments make my day, thanks.