
Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Again

Monday is here (boy, they come fast).  I was busy all weekend

We had our first football game of the season.  To be a football player in Arizona, you really have to love the game.  I know it was 110 on that field, and they run and hit and never miss a beat.  I was sooo hot.

Both my boys love football.  James played from the time he was 8 and now he coaches.  Matthew started when he was 7.

When I got home, I had high hopes of getting a couple of projects and  ALL the laundry done.  Well, that didn't happen at all, my dryer went on the fritz.  I think it almost caught on fire.  A load of my sons mesh shorts was ruined (melted them).

This is just a small portion of laundry to be done.
I am too embarrassed to show you the rest (four full baskets and a sorter).

While helping my husband with the dryer (that man can fix ANYTHING, and, did), my youngest daughter came to me saying she wasn't feeling well, and, she had a fever and cough.  Two more kids came down with it too.  I think it is our Welcome Back Cold from my little ones.

So, for now, I am praying that everyone is well, and, your laundry is few.  For me, I have two home sick and a PILE of laundry to do today.  However, I am excited to show you a little project I did last night after the kids and hubby went to bed.  See you soon.


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Comments make my day, thanks.