
Monday, November 28, 2011

I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving

Hi Everyone, I have missed blogging and keeping up with everyone.  We have had a lot going on though.  My husband had shoulder surgery, the following day, my Baxter dog lost his battle with his seizures and left us.  The day after that, my 85 year old father-in-law fell and broke his hip.  My daughter was having issues with her heart and is back on a monitor, and I am very tired.  This Thanksgiving, we did have a lot to be thankful for.  My husband's should is healing and will be better in a few months.  Grandpa went home and I just ask for prayer that he will heal.  Lee is doing better and I hope to catch one of her episodes on the moniter soon.  It's hard, but, our pets teach us so much about unconditional love and then they teach us, and our children, about death.  With that behind us, I am looking forward to a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New year.

I haven't posted any pictures lately, so, here are just a few of our Thanksgiving decorations:

My son went to work for the Breadsmith and brought me this beautiful loaf of bread for our dinner.

My red hutch was fun.  I really enjoyed the lights around the top

I tied a leaf on a candle with raffia and liked the effect.

I got this huge wreath from the thrift store for only $2.00 YEAH...  I just wrapped a fall leaf garland around with a pumpkin pick.

My scarecrows took over the shelf in the entry way.

Pumpkins and gourds on the dresser below.  I got the charger from Walmart for under $5.00.

I hope everyone had a wounder Thanksgiving and I will be blogging again.  I can't wait to get started on some Christmas crafts and baking.


Comments make my day, thanks.