
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Glowing Christmas Floral Arrgangement

I love candles all year (especially scented ones), but, at Christmas, they just make everything warm and beautiful.  Here is what I came up with for my dining room table:

I just used things I had around the house (all but the floral picks).  I used Spanish Moss instead of floral moss.

I found the floral picks at Wal-Mart.  I love Wal-Mart, and they were only $3.00.

Using floral thingies (I don't know the technical term - ha ha),

arrange your votive holders.  I got mine last year at Michael's after Thanksgiving.  I don't remember the price, but, I know they were dirt cheap.

Glue the floral thingies down after you get them arranged the way you like.

Add a few more thingies on the other side of the basket for your floral picks.

Insert your floral picks.

After you get everything the way you like it, add the moss.

May your Christmas be warm and glowing.


Comments make my day, thanks.