
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Snowflake Tree

Hi Everyone.  I am so looking forward to Christmas and all of the decorating, baking and most of all, SHOPPING....  I thought, three weeks ago, that I was ahead of the game.  That was, however, three weeks ago.  Time is dwindling and I haven't even bought one gift, made one cookie or finished decorating my home.  So last night, I made a pot of coffee, got out my glue gun, my Pottery Barn catalog, and a few supplies -- this is what I came up with......

My snowflake tree.

Here is the one from Pottery Barn.

I started with popsicle sticks and glued them into a snowflake shape.

Painted it white, added buttons and glitter.

I made these with my daycare kids just this past Tuesday..

I found two wooden snowflake shapes in my craft drawer and did the same with the paint and glitter.

Gathered some sticks and painted them white outside.

I also added a few glass snowflakes from my tree decorations.

Remember this container that I got from the floral section of my grocery store this past summer?  I just took out the green stuff and put my sticks in it.  I put some tissue paper in the bottom to hold everything in place.

Here it is in it's new home, my entertainment center in the den.

This was so easy and I love the way it turned out.

Happy crafting.


Comments make my day, thanks.