
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hobby Lobby Finds

Last week was spring break and  I had such a good Thursday.  I went to my favorite thrift stores and Hobby Lobby.  Hobby Lobby is quite a drive in a direction I never go so it is always to treat to go there.  They also have the best Dollar Tree right next door.  Just look at these beauties I got from Hobby Lobby.  I LOVE them.  So many things I can do with them.  

The round one is so stinking cute, I think I am going to use it in my closet office.

This one really excites me.  The best thing, is that they were 50% off.  If you want to go and get one and they are not on sale, I know you can use your 40% coupon and still get a good deal.

They also had grass (all spring items) on sale.  I have been wanting to get some and I never did see it at Michael's.  I just cut it to fit my tin baskets.

It looks so cute with the Easter Eggs. I still have St. Patty's on my Entryway Shelf, but, I am getting my Easter stuff ready.

I put it on my kitchen table.  I don't think the kids can destroy it because it is tin?! ; )

Hippity Hoppity!!



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