
Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Canisters, and this weeks' Chicken Feed

Hi everyone, I would like to thank all of my new followers for joining in on the mess.  I will be over to check out all of your blogs and to thank you all for the sweet comments (I do that by email).

I would also like to ask all of you prayer warriors out there to please pray, not only for my father in law, but, for my Uncle Bill too.  I found out this weekend that his cancer has come back and he doesn't have too much longer to spend with his family.  He will be leaving behind four kids, a wife, 10 grand kids and I know he has great grand kids too.  This man was not only a father figure to his own kids, but, for a time, he was to me and my sister.  He helped us out at Christmas, took us on picnics, and AWESOME truck rides that I will never forget.  He made the best oatmeal and loved his coffee boiling hot.  He was in a band, which when you are kids is like having super powers, and, I loved it when he broke out his guitar and played.   He is a very special man and he will be greatly missed.  You would think that by loosing my mom (she was 45), and my baby brother (he was 38 just two years ago), that would be able to handle this better.  Well, I don't.  It stinks and I am not excepting it well at all.  I still don't know what is worse, losing people fast and when they are young, or watching your loved ones slowly loose their will to fight and life (grandpa).  So please, pray for me and my family too.  

Ok, enough of the heavy stuff and on to the good, well, almost good.  I haven't been cooking a lot because of our schedules and my husband is still spending a lot of time with his dad.  So instead of a recipe, I am going to show you my Spring Canisters, they add a little color to my life right now.  I have also put together this weeks menu, and, I hope I can stick to it. 

Aren't these Martha Stewart Stickers cute?

Welcome Spring.

Here is this weeks Chicken Feed:

Monday - Black beans and rice, salad
Tuesday - Chicken Tacos and rice
Wednesday - Salmon with Lemon Pepper & Balsamic
Thursday - Tuna Casserole (don't judge)
Friday - Homemade Pizza
Saturday - Eat Out - softball tournament
Sunday - Ham, Potato Salad, Pineapple Spoon Bread (from With a Grateful Prayer and a thankful heart)

Happy eating cooking.

Linking to:


  1. These are lovely! Such a fun splash of color. I'm sorry to hear about your Uncle. I'll be praying for the whole family and you too.

  2. These came out so sweet! I was just over at The Easter Craft Challenge at Happy Hour Projects and Here Come the Sun and I voted for your easter baskets. Love them!

  3. Work out very them a lot! Hugs

  4. Hang in there! Sending prayers and well wishes and strength!

  5. These canisters are darling! Sending you and your family lots of prayers and love and hugs!!! Found you on Cheri's blog hop, and am your newest follower, will you follow me back?


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