
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Pretty Candle Holders

I hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas season.  Mine is flying by and I hope I have a couple of post before it is all over.  We have so much going on that I am barely keeping up.  I just put these together this past week.

This is what you need.  Greenery (I got mine from Hobby Lobby right after Thanksgiving), some clear cylinder candle holders (I love the ones at The Dollar Tree), scissors, and double sided tape.

I put some double sided tape around the cylinder like so.

and just started placing the greenery around the cylinder leaving some hanging down off of the bottom.

I trimmed the bottom with regular scissors and that was it.

I tried some pretty Christmas ribbon, but, I like the natural effect of the raffia better.

Add some pretty candles and that is it.  I think the whole thing took me twenty minuets.

Merry Christmas.


  1. Ohh! These are so pretty! And so festive! I need to try and make some of these soon!

    Thanks for linking up to the Life of the Party. Im going to feature this tomorrow in a Christmas craft roundup :)

  2. Very pretty! Dollar Tree is my go to place for craft supplies too! Going to have to make some of these!

  3. These candle holders look fabulous! Thanks for linking up to Tickled Pink Times Two.

  4. I know it's past Christmas but this is so pretty. Just a change of the color of the candles and it's year round decor ;-) I'm a rafia lover as well.


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