
Friday, January 31, 2014

2014 Valentine Glass Block

Happy Friday Everyone!  I have been working on my Valentine decorations and wanted to show you my Valentine Glass Block.  I really enjoy my glass block.  I won it at Bunco a few years back, and, use it for every season.  

In the morning, I love to turn it on and pour myself a cup of coffee.  The light is just right to sit, enjoy a cup of coffee and pray for my family.

I got my cute lights from Target's dollar spot.

I repurposed my LOVE letters from a previous project,

slapped on a bow and called it Love at first sight - ha ha.

Let me know how your decorations are coming along.



  1. Thanks Joy. I hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Cute with the heart lights. I love those glass blocks.
    Hugs, Lynnie

  3. I love it! It is beautiful!

    You ROCK for linking up this week to Tip Me Tuesday. {high fives} Just a heads up, Tip Junkie can help you index your blog more effectively if you upload at least 2 images, 2 steps, and blog post URL into your Tip Junkie craft room! Simply login and click "add a project" on your profile page to get started. {yep I've got your back!} ~ Laurie {a.k.a. the Tip Junkie}
    Link ~


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