
Monday, August 8, 2011

21 Day Challenge - Childcare

Hi everyone,  I have been a little crazy lately.  School starts this Wed., so, I have been getting school clothes, supplies and shoes for my four kids.  Daycare also starts, so I have been getting things organized and ready for them.  I have two that will be in Jr High and two in college.  No only does school and daycare start, but, sports is in full swing.  My oldest son and husband are coaching my youngest son's football team and has practice every night for a month.  My youngest daughter is playing softball and tryouts were for three hours this past Saturday morning.  My oldest daughter is cheering for her community college, and practices twice a week.  I am just tired thinking of all I have to do.  Anyway, I did get this accomplished and wanted to share it with you.  This is how I organized my little ones activities in my kitchen.

I love the Dollar Store.  I get a new alphabet book every year to use with my Letter of the Week. 

I also have a letter box.  I but things that begin with the letter in here.  Like apple slices (to enjoy while learning), a plastic airplane, alligator, etc.  And Dr. Seuss is always good.  After lunch we enjoy Leap Frog's Letter Factory on DVD.

We needed a new cookie jar.  My sweet girls helped me with the art work.

I wrapped a cereal box in pretty purple wrapping paper (Michael's for $1.00), and glued the girl on the front.  I took my knife and cut out the mouth.  We use the cookies (copied on copy paper then laminated with clear contact paper) with names written on them for everything.  It helps with name recognition.  It is also my reward program.  If caught being good, doing chores, and doing school stuff, they can put a cookie in the cookie jar.  At the end of week, the one that has earned the most cookies, can pick from my treasure box (just little toys, candy, etc. from everywhere -- Dollar Store, Wal-Mart, Target, garage sales, thrift stores.  It can't be over $2.00.  I put their names on this little board with a pocket to hold their cookies.

The little tag like the one above, are for chores.  I have this one, clearing the table (an empty table), craft clean up, sweeper, set the table and Star Helper.  The Star Helper gets to help make lunch, pass papers, line leader and pass out snack.  Everyone gets a turn.

This is the best gift my kids ever got me.  It is a radio, clock and CD player.  The best thing is that is under my cabinet.  I use it for kids music, books on CD. etc.  LOVE IT.......

Here is our little corner in the kitchen.  Weather (in AZ is almost always sunny), our calendar and a little Flag to say the pledge.

These are our morning and quiet time drawers.  It hold crayons, stencils, tic tac toe.  These are only allowed in the kitchen.

Coloring books and puzzles.  They have to put them away before taking another out.  It seems to work since they get a cookie for cleaning up after themselves.

I have this tall cabinet for all craft supplies, workbooks, paints, stickers, glitter, etc.....  Oh, I also have a homework drawer.  It holds pencils, erasers, scissors, colored pencils, paper and glue for my kids.

The wooden cabinet has all my curriculum's, chalkboards, whiteboards, contact paper, and really too much to list.

I love this time of year, I can stalk up on crayons, marker and glue sticks.  The drawers hold this and most of my Cd's.

Play Dough and my Office Box.  Did I say I LOVE the dollar store.  If you want to entertain kids of ALL ages.  Just give them a box with play money, calculators, file folders, envelopes, stickers, mailing envelopes, tape, stapler and a phone message pad.  It will entertain for at least an hour.

Office Box up Close

Oh, and a lot of puzzles.  I just trade them out once a week.

That's about it for my little kitchen school.  I have been doing daycare for about 18 years, and this seems to work the best for me.

Oh, stay tuned, I also have a cute craft to share.


Comments make my day, thanks.