
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

21 Day Challenge - Mail Station & Bill Box

I finally finished my mail station and bill box.  I loved Toni's over at A Bowl Full of Lemons.  When I saw hers, I knew I already had all the supplies.  She is so awesome, she has showed me how use what I have on hand.  Anyway, here is mine (another coopy cat):

I put mine at the end of this counter.  It is between my living room and kitchen.

Just below this red organizer.

I can put a couple of pictures in it.  I keep sports and school schedules in it.  It even holds my I pod (it is the small I pod and I think I could really loose it).

The Cabinet next to it holds my cook books and notebooks

I think it fits ok.

Mine is a little green file box with the calender on front (just like Toni's)  I got my calendar from I heart organizing.   I even use different colored pens for each person in the family.

I love pens, so, I have two containers holding them.  The buzz jar in front is a clay pot filled with loose change.  The metal box hold my receipts from my purse, husbands pockets, etc.

I keep bills in here until desk day.  I also keep all my day care files and phone list in here.  It keeps it close and ready when I need it.  The file that helps me most is my Calendar Backup.  I through agendas for meetings, invitations, maps, etc.  After the event, I throw them away.

I even have a little trash basket on the floor under the station.

Now, this is my bill box.  I think I have had it for about 18 years.  I don't even remember where I got it (ordered it through a catalog?)

I love it.  You can even slip your bills through this slot on top.  It is just so ugly, that I like to keep it in the closet until time to pay bills.

In here I have folders - Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 and Week 4.  I get paid weekly, so I keep my bills that are due in these folders until I pay them.  I have my budget, budget forms, medical files and a file to through tax paper in.  It has another section to keep envelopes and a check book.

When done, I through my calculator on top, close the lid and put it away.

I got these magazine holders at Target in the dollar spot (score).  I will post when I get them organized and put away nicely.

Here are my other files from the dollar spot.  Once every week or two, I sort my receipts (from my little metal container) by category and file them.  I can hardly wait to get them all this cute folder.  It has 13 categories, which is perfect my business receipts.

This one is my favorite (I just think it is cute).  It is the smallest one.  I use it in my purse for my cash.  Groceries, gas, coffee, and home supplies.  The front one is for the coupons I plan on using that day.

This was the funnest of my desk day.  Creating fun office supplies.  I glued rosettes to a dollar notebook.  It is cute which makes me want to use it.  I plan on using it for notes to me.  Just reminders and whatnot.

I even decorated clothes pins for paper clips.  So fun and easy.  It just took scrapbook paper and mog podge.  I even put a cute rosette on one.

These, I labeled.

That is it for my stations, but, please stay tuned.  I am very excited about one of my next projects.  I am going to re-due my files.  I have a cute file cabinet coming soon.

Thanks for stopping by.


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