
Friday, September 2, 2011

Oh, So Martha

Remember when I tried to organize my closet office?  Well, I am putting together a few things to make it prettier.  I have finished a couple little projects and wanted to show you my progress. 

I am just gathering things now (I feel like a momma hen, nesting).  I hope to work on it over this three day weekend.  I have so many places that need attention, so many ideas and not enough time and money - ha.


This was an old picture that got knocked off the wall.  The frame was gold and dated, and the glass broke.  I forgot to take pictures of the old bulletin board and how I got the cork off, sorry.  I did just scrape the cork off with an off-set spreader.  I glued the cork down and covered it with fabric. 

I sprayed it olive green first then a light mist of white  I think I like the color.

Can you believe I got this fabric at Wal Mart?  I think I have enough to made a cute pillow too.  I also rubbed a little stain on it to bring out the brown in the print -- I really liked it then.

I have a true love for jars.  Especially canning jars.  I use them in so many ways.  This is actually a Martha Stewart idea.  I think I saw it about 8 to 10 years ago.  I don't have too many sewing supplies, so, this is perfect to keep them together.  The top pin cushion is just some fiber fill wrapped in fabric and poked through the ring without the seal.

I think the dark brown basket looks good with this fabric.  I am planning to mix it with some white storage pieces too.  I have a vision of it in my head, I just hope it looks good when I am done.

Always, thank you for stopping by,



  1. Great projects! I love these kinds of creative uses for Mason jars.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha @ 5 Minutes Just for Me.

  2. Very nice projects, indeed. And I love the rooster on the logo picture. :) Great blog!

    call Bangladesh

  3. Great projects! Love the fabric choice! Thanks for linking up to my party!

    Kaitlin-The Not So Simple Housewife

  4. Love the mason jar pin cushion. I'll have to make one of those. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Visiting from The CSI Project.

  5. Hi! I'm Nicole from Romanian Princess. I saw your blog on a link up and decided I better add you! Please return the favor and follow me back at:!

    XoXo Nicole Mariana

  6. I love the colors and the fabric! I am so unorganized and using the Mason jar like you did has given me some ideas because I am getting really tired of searching for things I have spread all through the house! I actually love jars too and have saved so many - what an inspiration you are! Thanks so much and glad you shared at Family Ever After :)

  7. love this! Great job!

    Thanks so much for linking up to Tuesday Talent Show! I would love to have you stop by and link up again with more great projects!

  8. I love canning jars too. My favorites are an Italian brand that I had from preserves when I was in Florence.

    Can't remember the name right's too late. Love the name of your blog, as I live in a messy roost myself...a pig pen really with two boys...



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