Wednesday, June 22, 2011

21 Day Challenge - Medicine Cabinet

I think I mentioned that I didn't have a medicine cabinet, so, I have always kept my meds in a cabinet in the kitchen.  I had two containers that worked pretty good.   But, I just couldn't keep it in order.

The one on the other side of my stove, was even worse.

You can really see my stacking skills.  I will stack things as high as they will go without tipping over.  Anyway, I took everything out of both cabinets and washed them.  I went through everything and purged a lot of dishes I have never used, chipped ones, and things that just didn't belong.

Then I got my labels out and labeled them.  I know I printed these pretty labels from the I Heart Organizing blog a while back.  They are so cute, and big enough to see the letters (my eyes are getting old).

I got cool containers  for each of my categories:  Allergies, Pain and Fever, First Aid, Cough and Cold, Children,  and one for me (I have back problems).  I used clear contact paper and laminated them right to the container.  The containers came from Wal Mart (very affordable), and the idea from Toni at A Bowl Full of Lemons.

I got a little carried away with the labels and put some left over shelf  paper on an empty chip container for my raw sugar.  I think it is pretty, ha ha.

Here is how the containers look in my cabinet.  I have a little basket for vitamins (behind the Advil), the Advil stays out because I am always taking a couple here and there.

The bottom still had room for my pitcher and a few odds and ends.  Looks a lot better and is easier to keep things corralled.  Thanks Toni for such a great idea.

If you are wondering what's hanging on the door of the cabinet, it's my weekly menu and recipe holder.

The top is just a red file folder decorated with my stamping/scrapbook supplies.   I glued everything to the folder with a glue stick, and then mod podged it all.  I glued the sides (to create a pocket for my recipes) before I mod podged, and velcroed a pencil to it.

The bottom was an old magnetic board I used for my kids when they were learning their alphabet.  I just covered it with pretty scrapbook paper and mod podged it on.  I glued them both together with a glue gun and made pretty magnets with some flower stickers I had.  I love how I can keep all my recipes together for the week.  The form attached is my daycare schedule and menu.  The cupboard is right next to my stove so it is really convenient.  I know I saw it on line and I honestly can't remember who I copied.  So if you know,  please leave her name so she can get the credit.

This is on the other side and I like how it holds a few recipe books and binders.  One will be my Control Binder when I get to that.

Yeah, I got something done today..  : )  Thanks for stopping by.


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