Tuesday, February 28, 2012

52 Weeks to an Organized Home Challenge - Coupons and Meal Planning

I have not been blogging consistently lately because of the on going situation with my husbands parents.  They are still not home and grandpa has moved to a rehab/nursing home to get stronger and grandma is still spending the days with me.  I would appreciate prayer for their strength and ability to overcome.  I hope they will be able to go home soon, but, with grandpa's declining health, I just don't know.

Now, on to this week's organizing project.  I really want to keep on track with my 2012 Passion.  This week's Chicken Feed is just left out. With all that is going on, we just had hot dogs last night and tonight it looks like it will be Tuna on Toast.  I will shelter you from that.  I found this challenge over at Home Storage Solutions 101 (just click on the button on the side to join in).  If you are going to join in, please let me know so we can do it together.  I am just jumping in.  I actually did last weeks challenge which was Week 7: Coupons.  This week's challenge is Meal Planning/grocery shopping which in my world, goes together.

Week 7:  Coupons

This is my coupon book.  It is the smaller notebook (5 1/2 x 8 1/2).  I always find that if it's cute, I will use it.

Remember my Kitchen Island Organization?  I still use the wicker in & out boxes to keep my store ads and coupons that are ready to clip.  I just added my binder to the bottom tray.

When I am ready to clip, I have my calculator, scissors and extra tabs in a pencil holder in the from of my binder.  I like the post it tabs.  I can add a category when I need to, or simply take one away.  They are not permanent.

Next, I have a folder to keep coupons that I don't want to forget, especially if they expire soon.

My awesome post it tabs.

I like the smaller binder, but, it is hard to find accessories.  I did find some business card holders at Staples to fit the smaller binder, but, they are expensive.  I just cut down pages that my kids used to keep their baseball cards in.  I line it up and use a hole punch to add necessary holes.

That's how I do my coupons.

Week 8:  Meal planning/grocery shopping

I always clip coupons, check ads and make my meal plans on Sunday.  It only makes sense to include my menu planning and grocery lists at the back of my coupon binder.  That way, I can take my menu plan/grocery list to the store with me.

These are awesome little forms that I got for free here.  Simplify 101 also has a lot of organizing information. My favorite thing is that it is half sheets of paper and it includes a spot for my families activities.  That way,  I can plan dinner accordingly.

After the store, I take my menu plan and put it here.

I hope you find this useful, and, let me know what you do.

Happy shopping.


  1. I find coupons so difficult to stay up on. I wish I was better at it. I'm hosting a bloglovin blog hop right now until Sunday and I would love if you would join in. Bloglovin' is similar to GFC and super easy to add to your blog. The directions are with the hop. I have your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Woohoo! I'm following with bloglovin'.

  3. Nice! You are very organized!

    Thanks for linking up to the Take it on Tuesday blog hop!

  4. Wow, a system like this would make my grocery trips way easier than they are now! Good work.


  5. Looks like you have a really great and PRETTY system going! :) Love it, binder systems are my fav!

    Thank you so much for linking up and sharing!



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