Thursday, July 19, 2012

Kitchen Drawer No. 1

I have a tune in my head -- Here we go again............................  I don't understand how things can get so messy after I spend so much time organizing it -- oh, I have kids.  Remember this from last summer's organization marathon?  

This is my cooking utensil drawer, I really did love the baskets.  They were pretty for about one week.

This is what it looked/looks like after my husband violently nicely took the baskets out (the drawer got stuck at least a hundred times)... 

This is what was left of those baskets (what's up with that fishy cracker)??!!  I did take everything out and wipe the drawer down.  I put a few things away that didn't belong and wait - breaking news.

My daughter ran in saying this is awesome and unheard of.  A three colored Sour Worm.  I couldn't let you miss out and just hear it on the news, because this is one of a kind - he he.

Now back to my drawer, AWE that is better.  I am going back to the basics.  Do you see that cute little wooden divider tray?  I got it for $1.99 at Saver's.  Who would get rid of that?  I truly hope they aren't using baskets?????!!!!!!!

Happy Organizing!


  1. Oh I love your wit! But, that was a stop-the-presses-moment! Lol. Great organizing, but for how long? he he! This is the hardest drawer in the kitchen to keep...Hubster puts the Tasmania devil to shame! Lol. Thanks for sharing and that drawer looks good!
    Many Hugs

  2. Ha! The baskets were horrible! I am packing for our big move next week. Can't wait to get organized again. Following from blog hop. Follow back, please!

  3. LOL...looks like my drawers! I'm inspired to organize now. :)
    Following from the blog hop!

  4. Much better! I used the same paper liner to line my drawers when I was organizing too! :) Come by and check it out

  5. I love these little projects that make a huge difference. Thanks so much for linking up!

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