I think I got the cart itself from the "Everything $14.95" catalog many years ago. It is really a shopping cart intended to carry bags home from the store. Here is how I use it.
On the front of the cart, I attach a timer. It really keeps me from roaming (it really does work), and you would be amazed at how much you get done in a timed 15 minutes.
My cleaning caddie fits nicely on the top of the cart to hold all my supplies. This keeps me from running back and forth because I forgot the feather duster or whatnot.
I tie a plastic bag on the handle to catch all trash.
My caddy lifts out so I can move around the room and have my supplies at my fingertips,
while the basket holds everything that needs to go to another room. This is the biggest help because it keeps me from getting side tracked. I usually start picking things up in that room instead of finishing the room I was in.
I can even carry my little bucket,dust broom and pan with me.
When I have finished one room, I put away all items in my cart, empty the trash and replace anything that needs it (i.e., cleaning clothes, empty cleaning bottles and so on).
Then, on to the next room until I have finished for the day.
When I am completely done, I just put the caddie away in the laundry room (I also replace all cleaning clothes and get it ready for the next cleaning day) and my cart folds up to hang on a hook in the garage.
That's it.
Happy Cleaning,