Ok, ok, I know you have heard it before -- I am going to get organized this year, and, this time I MEAN IT. I really do mean it. Weeelll, I hope so, maybe, anyway, I am going to try again. I took a look at the list for 52 Weeks Organized Home, and, I am on my way, again. I know I will get behind, and, there may be some challenges I will not participate in. Knowing this, maybe I will stick with it longer. I will also need encouragement from you to be successful, so, let me know if you like what you see. Going by the 52 weeks to an Organized Home, here are my Kitchen Counters.

This is usually my counter. You can see bowls, my Diet Dr. Pepper, M&M man hiding in the back and coffee filters. I think I used the coffee filters in a craft project??!! I always think, I will put that away in a min. First, I will get a bottle for the baby, or, change a diaper. I will do anything I can think of before putting things away and more times than not, I just add to it. That is so silly because, what I have found, is, that it only takes between one and five min. to put things away.
I am already ahead of the game here. I took everything off the counter (usually I just move things around a little), cleaned it good with a magic eraser and a spray of Hard Surfaces by Clorox.
I need to put my dish soap in a pretty bottle, but, I didn't let myself get off on that tangent. Usually, I will stray from the big job to play with the little stuff. I got an index card and started a list. This will be all the pretty things I want to do after the big job is done. For me, that is something to look forward to.
At the end of the counter, I wanted to make it functional and pretty.
I don't have that many wooden cutting boards (one, I turned into a chalkboard), but, I love the cat. One of my daycare parents made that for me when I left Colorado. I always kept it in the cupboard and nobody could see how cute it is.
I sold Pampered Chef for about three years and I earned this pretty tray. It's purpose, is to hold the large round pizza stone.
I really think it is pretty and made well too, so, I put it on the end of the counter too.
YEAH, I love this paper punch. Santa put it in my stocking (I must have been a good girl this year).
I have had so much fun making labels with it. I am using black contact paper to make my own chalkboard labels
These little dudes are so cute. I got them in toy section at Michael's and shot them with a glossy white paint. I think I did this project last summer.
I also shot some paint on some lids to empty pickle jars and the small one (I just love that shape) was a jelly jar and glued my rooster and hens on top to make my own pretty storage jars.
When placed on the Pampered Chef tray, it looks pretty and it keeps the kids snacks easy to get. I added another jar and instead of painting it right away, I decided to add it to my list of things to do after chores are done.
For color, I added this little darling. He is so colorful, he just makes me happy.
There you have it, all clean and ready to go. I am doing my best to keep it that way. Oh, the biggest jar with the rooster on top, I got from Big Lots a few years ago. It was the inspiration for the smaller set. All in all, I think it goes well together.
This is the small counter between the sink and stove. It has my little helpers. When I get a little crazy, I take just a couple of M&M's. They are good for the soul (not the butt).
This used to be solid brown. I made it for Halloween one year and finally gave it a face lift. What do you think of the new color?
Ok, I know this looks a little bad, but really, it isn't at all. It can get really covered. This is a HOT spot in my house. When I say hot spot, I mean WILD FIRE!!. Everything goes here. The kids drop their papers, phone, empty water bottles, dirty dishes etc, etc, etc... I put my water, wipes, clean diapers, bottles, mail (even with my paper station at the end), groceries, glasses, coffee cups, half eaten anything, and I know I can go on for a while, but, you get the idea.
I need to take care of this mess once and for all. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
This another Pampered Chef basket. It holds my 9 X 13 stone. I love it for all my goodies. I even keep a little brown sugar by the stove (and I wonder why my butt is forever growing).
I put things away (again, only 5 to 10 min.) and what I was left with was my day care files, index cards (I love index cards for so many things) and a few pieces of mail. I found some pens and actually threw the ones that didn't write away and filled it with ones that do. This I did for my husband. He gets so crazy when every pen he picks doesn't write and really, there isn't one that does?! Does this ever happen to you? I love this white thingy. I holds my index cards just right.
I put the mail where it goes (you can go here to see how I made this) until Friday and put my little calculator in there. It makes it easy when I have to add days and different things for my daycare. Now, the paper in front of my daycare files is awesome. I used to just have everything on an index card, but, this form is great.
I have all of my daycare parents phone numbers on it. That way, if someone gets hurt or anything, I have it right at my finger tips. No matter how messy the counter is, I always know where this is.
There it is, all cleaned off with only my water on it. Now, if I can only keep it that way. I will keep you posted. What are you organizing now?